Welcome and thanks for taking the time to view our web page and see all the great things that Clark Electric Cooperative has to offer. A little history on Clark Electric Cooperative.
Clark Electric was organized in 1937 to serve the electric power needs of the rural area that we now live in. Central station electricity was available from the Investor Owned Utilities, however for it to get to the rural areas the resident, farm, and commercial business paid for the entire line that needed to be built. As a result of low cost loans provided through the Rural Electrification Act, rural people banded together across the country to form their own power supplier.
In Central Wisconsin, three cooperatives: Clark Electric (Neillsville), Big Four Electric (Spencer), and the Willard Electric Cooperatives were formed, and merged into one. From this dream of having electricity, we've grown to reality. Clark Electric Cooperative was the resulting organization and was located in Greenwood, Wisconsin the “Center of Clark County”.
Clark Electric Cooperative, along with other rural electric cooperatives in Northwestern Wisconsin, formed Wisconsin Power Cooperative in Chippewa Falls to generate electricity and build transmission lines. In 1941, Wisconsin Power Cooperative merged with Tri-State Electric Cooperative and formed Dairyland Power Cooperative located in LaCrosse. Wisconsin. Clark Electric and 25 other distribution cooperatives in Western Wisconsin, Southeastern Minnesota, Northeastern Iowa, and Northwestern Illinois own Dairyland.
What is an electrical cooperative?
It is a consumer owned business. All persons receiving service are members of the cooperative. An Annual meeting is held yearly where members elect members to be directors to help oversee the cooperative.
Clark Electric is a non-profit operation and all profits/margins are allocated each year to the members purchasing electricity, as Capital Credits.
Our service area is a great place to locate your business (CECO Development area), to raise your family, retire here, or just to visit. Browse through the Clark County Economic Development Corp. web site for tourism activities and economic development information. We have great schools in our area and excellent medical facilities at Marshfield, Neillsville, Stanley, and Medford. University and technical colleges are just an hour away. Central Wisconsin has a lot to offer with the quiet rural life we take for granted. Call us at 800-272-6188 and select from our menu of departments.
Again, thank you for visiting us.
Timothy Stewart
CEO/General Manager
Clark Electric Cooperative