3 Working Days Before You Dig!
(800) 242-8511 or 811

Diggers Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!
They can be reach by phone at 811 or 800-242-8511.
You can also
Clark Electric Cooperative is a member of Diggers Hotline. Diggers Hotline was established in 1976 and has helped thousands of people obtain information on the location of underground facilities and safe working clearances from overhead lines - all for absolutely no cost the the caller.
Anyone digging or excavating, or planning to do so, no matter how big or small the job, is required by law to contact Diggers Hotline at least three (3) working days before digging. Diggers Hotline, Wisconsin's one-call notification center, coordinates activities between excavtors and owners of underground facilities, such as buried phone cable, gas, water and electric lines. Diggers Hotline is required for anyone who is excavating, according to Wisconsin State Statute 182.0175.
After the utility marking have been placed and your start date and time have passed, you may begin your project. But remember, you can't excavate with power tools within 18 inches of the markings. If you need to dig closer to the marks, hand tools may be used with caution.
Contacting Diggers Hotline will not get private facilities marked. Examples of private facilities include an electric line to a detached
When calling Diggers Hotline you will need to provide the following information:
- Specify that you are the homeowner and provide your name, phone number and address
- The city, township, or village that you are planning to work in
- The street address of the work site
- The nearest intersecting road and the distance and direction from that road (this will help the Diggers Hotline representative find the exact location on their maps)
- The kind of work that you plan to do (i.e. planting a tree or
installing a fence ) - The date you plan to start working on your project
- The area you would like to have marked for underground facilities on the property
Once you put in your request you will be given a ticket number, which is your legal proof that you contacted Diggers Hotline, and you must wait 3 working days before digging to allow proper time for all of the underground utility lines to be marked. After the 3 day waiting period you are then clear to dig. It is best to stay a minimum of 18 inches away from the lines on either side and be sure to dig with care using hand tools. The safest is to stay away from any areas located with buried facilities completely.
What Lies Beneath - Video