Evergreen Program

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Evergreen is a voluntary renewable energy (green power) program available to your home, farm, or business through Clark ElectricCooperative, a member-cooperative of the Dairyland Power system. Evergreen is for those who want to do more to support renewable energy generation.

Evergreen renewable energy comes from the wind and waste-to-energy sources such as landfill gas and livestock manure. We purchase energy from highly-efficient wind farms. New technology methane digeters located throughout our system convert waste from landfills and livestock confinement to bio-gas that is used to generate electricity.

By participating in Evergreen, you are investing in the future of the environment. Your purchase of one 100 kilowatt hour (kWh) block of Evergreen renewable energy each month has the same environmental benefits (CO2 reduction) as planting one-half acre of trees or not driving a car 2,400 miles (source:EPA).

Evergreen Pic

This is how it works:

  • You choose one of the Evergreen Levels listed below.

  • For each block (100 kWh) you will be purchasing that amount of energy from a renewable energy source.

  • Your energy bill will be charged the additional cost (see chart below) to help offset the cost it takes to support renewable energy.

  • A one year subscription is required, but after that you can cancel at any time.


Evergreen Level Breakdown:

# of Blocks Cost
1 Block (100 kWh) $1.25 added to Energy Bill
2 Block (100 kWh) $2.50 added to Energy Bill
3 Block (100 kWh) $3.75 added to Energy Bill
4 Block (100 kWh) $5.00 added to Energy Bill
5 Block (100 kWh) $6.25 added to Energy Bill

Each Block above 5 is an additional $1.25 per block.

One block of 100k Wh represents about 10% of the average residential monthly electric usage (1,000 kWh)